Açúcar na Expansão Europeia

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DEERR, Noel, The History of Sugar, 2 vol., London: Chapman & Hall, 1949-1950.
GALLOWAY, J.H., "The Mediterranean Sugar Industry", The Geographical Review, 1977, n. 67 (2).
GALLOWAY, J.H., The Sugar Cane Industry: An Historical Geography From Its Origins to 1914, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
GREENFIELD, Sidney M., "Plantations, Sugar Cane and Slavery", in CRANTON, Michael (ed.), Roots and Branches, Current Directions in Slave Studies, 1979.
LIPPMANN, Edmund von, História do Açucar, trad. port., Rio de Janeiro: Instituto do Açúcar e do Alcool, 1942.
RIVERO SUÁREZ, Benedicta, "El Processo de Elaboracion del Azucar en Tenerife en el Siglo XVI", Actas do II Colóquio Internacional de História da Madeira, Funchal: CNCDP, 1990, 701.

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