História da Ciência no Mundo

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DESTOMBES, Marcel, "Les Chiffres Coufiques des Instruments Astronomiques Arabes", Physis. Revista di Storia della Scienza, Firenze, 1960, vol. II, fasc. 3, 197-210 (reed. in Selected Contributions to the History of Cartography and Scientific Instruments, Utrecht: HES, 1987).
DESTOMBES, Marcel, "Sur L'Astrolabe d'Imola Conservé à l'Observatoire de Bologne", Coelum, Bologna, 1966, vol. XXXIV, 11-12, 160-163 (reed. in Selected Contributions to the History of Cartography and Scientific Instruments, Utrecht: HES, 1987).
DESTOMBES, Marcel, "Un Astrolabe Carolingien et l'Origine de nos Chiffres Arabes", Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, 1962, n. 58-59, 3-45 (reed. in Selected Contributions to the History of Cartography and Scientific Instruments, Utrecht: HES, 1987).
DESTOMBES, Marcel, "Un Globe Céleste Arabe du XII Siècle", Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Letres, Paris, 1958, 300-313 (reed. in Selected Contributions to the History of Cartography and Scientific Instruments, Utrecht: HES, 1987).
DESTOMBES, Marcel, "Un Globe Céleste Inédit de l'Année 1502", in Actes du XI Congrés International d'Histoire des Sciences (Warszawa 1965), vol. III, 1968, 73-81 (reed. in Selected Contributions to the History of Cartography and Scientific Instruments, Utrecht: HES, 1987).
DESTOMBES, Marcel, "Un Globe Céleste Inédit de l'Époque Seljoukide (539 de l'Hégire)", in Actes du IX Congrés International d'Histoire des Sciences (Barcelona-Madrid 1959), vol. I, 1960, 447-452 (reed. in Selected Contributions to the History of Cartography and Scientific Instruments, Utrecht: HES, 1987).
DUHEM, Pierre, Le Système du Monde: Histoire des Doctrines Cosmologiques de Platon à Copernic, 8 vol., Paris: A. Hermann et Fils, 1913-1958.
GOLDSTEIN, B.R., Theory and Observation in Ancient & Medieval Astronomy, reed., London: Variorum, s.d..
HOOYKAAS, Reyer, "Contexto e Razões do Surgimento da Ciência Moderna", in DOMINGUES, Francisco Contente; BARRETO, Luís Filipe (ed.), A Abertura do Mundo: Estudos de História dos Descobrimentos Europeus em Homenagem a Luís de Albuquerque, vol. I, Lisboa: Presença, 1986, 165-184.
HOOYKAAS, Reyer, "Introdução à História das Ciências", Revista da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra: FCTUC, 1963 (sep. XXXII).
KING, D.A., Islamic Astronomical Instruments, reed., London: Variorum, s.d..
KING, D.A., Islamic Mathematical Astronomy, reed., London: Variorum, s.d..
POULLE, Emmanuel, "Walcher de Malvern et son Astrolabe (1092)", RUC, Coimbra, 1980, vol. XXVIII, 47-54 (reed. Coimbra: AECA, 1980, sep. CXXXII).
RUBIO Y LLUCHS, Documents per l' Historia de la Cultura Catalana Medieval, 2 vol. , 1908-1921.
SARTON, George, Introduction to the History of Science, 5 t..
SCHMITT, C.B., Studies in Renaissance Philosophy and Science, reed., London: Variorum, s.d..
SCHMITT, C.B., The Aristotelian Tradition & Renaissance Universities, reed., London: Variorum, s.d..
VALLICROSA, J. Millas, Estudis Universitaris Catalans. Assay d'Historia de les Idees Fisiques i Matematiques a la Catalunya Medieval, Barcelona, 1931.
WARNER, Deborah J., The Sky Explored: Celestial Cartography 1500-1800, Amsterdam: Meridian T.O.T., 1979.

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