Navegação Astronómica Mundial

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CALAHAN, Harold Augustin, The Sky and the Sailor: a History of Celestial Navigation, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1952.
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COTTER, Charles H., The Astronomical and Mathematical Foundations of Geography, London: Hollis & Carter.
KIELY, E.R. , Surveying Instruments, their History and Classroom Use, New York, 1947.
POULLE, Emmanuel, "Les Conditions de la Navigation Astronomique au XV Siècle", RUC , Coimbra, 1969, vol. XXIV ( I Reunião de História da Náutica), 33-50 (reed. Coimbra: AECA, 1969, sep. XXVII).
WARNER, Deborah J., The Sky Explored: Celestial Cartography 1500-1800, Amsterdam: Meridian T.O.T., 1979.
WATERS, David W., "Early Pole Star Tables", Journal of the Institute of Navigation, London, 1955, vol. 8, n. 4, Oct., 232-237.

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