Cartografia Britânica

ROBINSON, A.H.W., Marine Cartography in Britain, Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1962.
SHIRLEY, Rodney W., The Mapping of the World. Early Printed World Maps (1472-1700), London: Holland Press, 1984 (2 ed. rev., London: Holland Press, 1987).
SMET , Antoine de, "Thomas Blundeville et l'Histoire de la Cartographie du XVI Siècle", RUC, Coimbra, 1979, vol. XXVII , 293-301 (reed. Coimbra: AECA, 1979, sep. CXXVII).
THROWER, Norman J., "Une Nouvelle Écriture du Globe", Le Courrier de L'UNESCO. Cartes et Cartographes, Les Arpenteurs de la Terre, Paris: UNESCO, 1991, Juin, 31-34.
THROWER, Norman Y.W., "The Royal Patrons of Edmond Halley (1656-1742) with Special Reference to his Maps", in Vice-Almirante A. Teixeira da Mota: In Memoriam, vol. I, Lisboa: Academia de Marinha / IICT, 1988, 414-430.
WALLIS, Helen , "The Royal Map Collections of England", RUC, Coimbra, 1980, vol. XXVIII, 461-168 (reed. Coimbra: AECA, 1981, sep. CXLI).

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