Bibliographies and Texts on the Historiography of European Expansion

ARENSON, Sarah, Shipping and Maritime Trade in Medieval Period. Selected Bibliography, Haifa: University of Haifa, 1978.
CHAUNU, Pierre, Conquête et Exploitation des Nouveaux Mondes, Paris: PUF, 1969 (Sources et Bibliographie).
CHAUNU, Pierre, L'Expansion Européenne du XIII au XV Siècle, Paris: PUF, 1969, 11-49 (trad. port. A Expansão Europeia do Século XIII ao Século XV, São Paulo: Pioneira, 1978., Fontes e Bibliografia, 3-32).
DEPREZ, Eugéne (ed.), Travaux pour l' Histoire des Grands Voyages et Grandes Découvertes. Bibliographie 1912-1931, Paris: Comité International des Sciences Historiques, 1937.
LINDBLAD, J. Thomas, "Computer Applications in Expansion History: A Survey", Bulletin of the ESF-Network on the History of European Expansion, Strasbourg: European Science Foundation, 1988, n. 2.
LOWENTHAL, Mary Alice, Who`s Who in the History of Cartography. An International Directory of Current Research in the History of Cartography, Tring: Map Collector Publications, 1992.
MAURO, Frédéric, L'Expansion Européene (1600-1870), Paris: PUF, 1967 (trad. port. A Expansão Europeia (1600-1870), S. Paulo: Pioneira, 1980).
PEREZ EMBID, Florentino; MORALES PADRON, Francisco, Bibliografia Española de Historia Maritima (1932-1962). Trabajos de la Subcomission Española de la Comission Internacional de Historia Maritima, Sevilla: CSIC-EEHA, 1970.

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