Atlases and Historical Atlases (European Expansion)

AJAYI, J.F. Ade; CROWDER, Michael, Historical Atlas of Africa, London: Longman Group, 1985 (trad. franc. , Atlas Historique de l'Afrique, Paris, Editions du Jaguar, 1988).
BARRACLOUGH, Geoffrey (ed.), The Times Atlas of World History, London: Times Books, 1978 (reed. rev. London: Times, 1988; trad. port. Atlas de História Mundial, Lisboa: Enciclopédia, 1992).
BERTIN, J.; HEMARDINQUER, J.J.; KEUL, M.; RANDLES, W.G.L., Atlas des Cultures Vivrières - Atlas of Food Crops, Paris-Den Haag: Mouton, 1971.
CHARDONNET, Jean; SIEGFRIED, André (ed.), Atlas International Larousse. Pollitique et Economique, Paris: Larousse, 1950.
CHI-BONNARDEL, Regine (ed.), Grand Atlas du Continent Africain, Paris: Editions Jeune Afrique, 1973.
COLE, Ruth M. (ed.), Britanica World Atlas - International, Chicago-etc: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1968.
DUBY, Georges (ed.), Atlas Historique Larousse, Paris: Larousse, 1978.
FAGE, J.D., An Atlas of African History, London: Edward Arnold Ltd., 1958 (2 ed. London, 1978).
FERNANDEZ-ARMESTO, Felipe (ed.), The Times Atlas of World Exploration, London: Times, 1991.
GRANDIDIER, G. (ed.), Atlas des Colonies Françaises, Protectorats et Territoires sous Mandat de la France, Paris: Societé d'Editions Geographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1934.
HAZARD, H.W., Atlas of Islamic History, Princeton, 1951.
HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT OF THE ADMIRALTY, Catalogue of Admiralty Charts and Other Hidrographic Publications, London: Hydrographic Department, 1962.
Mc EVEDY, Colin, The Penguin Atlas of Medieval History, s.l.: Penguin Books, s.d..
McEVEDY, Colin, The Penguin Atlas of Modern History, s.l.: Penguin Books, s.d..
MOORE, R. I. (ed.), The Hamlyn Historical Atlas, London-etc: Hamlyn, 1981.
MORALES PADRÓN, Francisco, Atlas Histórico Cultural de América, 2 vol., Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Gobierno Regional, 1988.
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, Atlas of the World, Washington: NGS, 1981.
NEBENZAHL, Keneth, Atlas of Columbus and the Great Discoveries, Chicago-New York-S.Fancisco: Rand Mcnally, 1990.
NEWBY, Eric, The World Atlas of Explorations, s.l. [London]: Mitchell Beazley, 1975.
ROOLVINK, R., Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples, Amsterdam, 1957.
SAINT-MARTIN, Vivien de; SCHRAEDER, F., Atlas Universel de Geographie, Paris: Hachette, s.d. [1921].
SCHRADER, F. (ed.), Atlas de Geographie Historique, Paris: Hachette, 1896.
SHEPERD, William, Historical Atlas, London, 1923.
VIDAL-LABLACHE, Atlas Historique et Geographique Vidal-Lablache, Paris: Armand Colin, s.d..

See also: