General Views of European Expansion in the 13th-18th C.

ARNOLD, David, The Age of Discovery 1400-1600, London: Methuen, 1983 (trad. port. Lisboa: Gradiva, s.d. (1983)).
BENNASSAR, Bartolomé, "Vers la Premiére Ebauche d'une Économie-Monde", in LEON, Pierre (ed.), Histoire Économique et Sociale du Monde, vol. I (L'Ouverture du Monde, ed. BENNASSAR, B.; CHAUNU, Pierre), Paris: Armand Colin, 1977, 393-564.
CHAUNU, Huguette; CHAUNU, Pierre, "Économie Atlantique, Économie-Monde (1504-1650)", Cahiers D'Histoire Mondiale, 1953, 1 (1) Juil, 91-104.
CHAUNU, Pierre, Conquête et Exploitation des Nouveaux Mondes (XVI Siècle), Paris: PUF, 1969.
CHAUNU, Pierre, L'Expansion Européenne du XIII au XV Siècle, Paris: PUF, 1969 (trad. port. A Expansão Europeia do Século XIII ao Século XV, São Paulo: Pioneira, 1978).
DAVIES, Ralph, Rise of the Atlantique Economies, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973.
DAVIS, Ralph, Rise of the Atlantic Economies, London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1973.
DESCHAMPS, Hubert, Les Européens Hors d'Europe de 1434 a 1815, Paris: PUF, 1972.
DEYON, Pierre, "Competitions Commerciales et Coloniales", in LEON, Pierre (ed.), Histoire Économique et Sociale du Monde, vol. II (Les Hesitations de la Croissance 1580-1750, ed. DEYON, Pierre; JACQUART, Jean), Paris: Armand Colin, 1977, 219-247.
EMMER, P.C.; WESSELING, H. L., Reappraisals in Overseas HIstory, Leyden: Centre for the History of European History, 1979.
FISCHER, W.; MCINNIS, R.M.; SCHNEIDER, J., The Emergence of a World Economy, Wiesbaden, 1986.
GODECHOT, Jacques, "Atlantique (Histoire)", in Encyclopaedia Universalis, 2 ed., 1984.
GODECHOT, Jacques, HIstoire de l`Atlantique, Paris: Bordas, 1947.
HARRISON, J.B., "Colonial Development and International Rivalries Outside Europe. II, Asia and Africa", in WERNHAM, R.B. (ed.), New Cambridge Modern History, Vol. III (The Counter-Reformation and the Price Revolution 1559-1610), London-New York: Cambridge University Press, 1968, 532-558.
HORIZONS Marins, Itinéraires Spirituels. Mélanges en L'Honneur de Michel Mollat, vol. II (Marins, Navires et Affaires), Paris: SEVPEN, 1987.
LE DANOIS, E., L`Atlantique - Histoire et Vie d`un Océan, Paris: A. Michel, 1938.
MAURO, Frédéric, A Expansão Europeia, trad. port., Lisboa: Estampa, 1988.
MAURO, Fréderic, "Conceitos Econômicos e Economia Colonial na Época do Capitalismo Comercial (1500-1800)", in Nova História e Novo Mundo, São Paulo: Perspectiva , 1969, 79-90.
MAURO, Frédéric, L'Expansion Européene (1600-1870), Paris: PUF, 1967 (trad. port. A Expansão Europeia (1600-1870), S. Paulo: Pioneira, 1980).
MAURO, Frédéric, "Towards an Intercontinental Model: European Overseas Expansion Between 1500-1800", Economic History Review, 1961, n. 1, 1-17 (trad. port. in Nova História e Novo Mundo, S. Paulo: Perspectiva, 1969 , 55-78).
MOLLAT DU JOURDIN, Michel; DESANGES, Jehan, As Rotas Milenares, trad. port., Lisboa: Inapa, 1990 (1 ed. Paris: Nathan, 1988).
PARRY, J.H., Trade and Dominion .The European Overseas Empires in the Eigtheenth Century, London, 1971.
PARRY, John H., The Establishment of the European Hegemony, 1415-1715, New York, 1961.
SCAMMELL, Geoffrey V., The World Encompassed. The First European Maritime Empire c. 800-1650, London, 1981.
SCHOTT, G., Geographie des Atlantischen Ozean, 3 ed., Hamburg, 1942.
SIVERY, Gerard, Mirages Mediterranéens ou Realités Atlantiques? XIII - XV Siècles, Paris: PUF, 1976.
VÁZQUEZ DE PRADA, Valentín, Renacimiento, Reforma, Expansión Europea, Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 1981.

See also: