General Views of Cartography in the World


BEAZLEY, C. Raymond, The Dawn of Modern Geography. A History of Exploration and Geographical Science from the Midlle of the 13th. to the Early Years of the 15th. century, 3 vol., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1897-1906.
BONACKER, Wilhelm, Kartenmacher aller Lander und Zeiten, Stuttgart, 1966.
BRICKER, Charles, A History of Cartography, London, 1969.
BROWN, Lloyd A., The Story of Maps, Boston, 1949.
BROWN, Lloyd A., The World Encompassed, Baltimore, 1952.
CAMPBELL, Eila M.J., "Material of Nautical Cartography from c.1550 to 1650 in the Bodleian Library, Oxford", RUC, Coimbra: BGUC, 1985, vol. XXXII, 179-185 (reed. Lisboa: CEHCA, 1984, sep. 161).
CATALOGUE of Printed Maps, Charts and Plans of the British Museum (to 1964), 15 vol., London: British Museum, 1967.
CATALOGUE of the Manuscript Maps, Charts and Plans and of the Topographical Drawings in the British Museum, 3 vol., London: British Museum, 1844-1861 (2 ed. Bruxelles, 1962).
CORTESÃO, Armando; ALBUQUERQUE, Luís de; MOTA, A. Teixeira da, Curso de História da Cartografia, Coimbra: FLUC, 1963 (1 ed. Boletim do Centro de Estudos Geográficos, vol. III, n. 20).
CORTESÃO, Armando, "Curso de História da Cartografia, 1964 (Resumo das Lições)", in Esparsos, vol. II, Coimbra: BGUC, 1965, 223-258.
CRONE, G.R., Maps and Their Makers, London, 1953 (reed. rev. London, 1978).
DALY, Charles P., Annual Address: the Early History of Cartography or What we Know of Maps and Map-Making Before the Time of Mercator, New York: American Geographical Society, 1879.
DELANO-SMITH, Catherine, "Les Cartographes et L' Imaginaire", Le Courrier de L'UNESCO. Cartes et Cartographes, Les Arpenteurs de la Terre, Paris: UNESCO, 1991, Juin, 16-19.
DESTOMBES, Marcel, "An Antwerp Unicum: an Unpublished Terrestrial Globe of the 16 th Century in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris", Imago Mundi, 1970, vol. 14, 85-94 (reed. in Selected Contributions to the History of Cartography and Scientific Instruments, Utrecht: HES, 1987).
DESTOMBES, Marcel, "Globes en Relief du XVIII Siècle", Der Globusfreund, 1978, n. 25-27, 225-231 (reed. in Selected Contributions to the History of Cartography and Scientific Instruments, Utrecht: HES, 1987).
DESTOMBES, Marcel, Selected Contributions to the History of Cartography and Scientific Instruments, Utrecht: HES, 1987.
FALL, Yoro K., Afrique à la Naissance de la Cartographie Moderne, Karlhaba, 1982.
GALERA I MONEGAL, Montserrat, "Les Cartoteques a la Península Ibèrica", in 2on Curs La Cartografia de la Península Ibèrica i la Seva Extensió al Continent Americà, Barcelona, Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, 1991 (17-152).
HARLEY, J.B.; WOODWARD, David (ed.), The History of Cartography, vol. I ( Cartography in Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean ), Chicago-London: University of Chicago Press, 1987.
HARLEY, J. Brian, "Un Renversement de Perspective", Le Courrier de L'UNESCO. Cartes et Cartographes, Les Arpenteurs de la Terre, Paris: UNESCO, 1991, Juin, 10-15.
HOWSE, Derek; SANDERSON, Michael, The Sea Chart, New York: Mcraw-Hill, 1973.
LA RONCIÉRE, Charles de, La Découverte de l'Afrique au Moyen Age, Le Caire, 1924-1927.
LA RONCIÉRE, Monique de; MOLLAT, Michel (ed.), Les Portulans. Cartes Marines du XIII au XVII siécle, Paris: Office du Livre, 1984.
LE COCQ, Max Leinekugel, Premiers Images de la Terre, Paris: Joel Cuénot, 1977.
LE GEAR, Clara Egli, A List of Geographical Atlases in the Library of Congress (Continuation of Four Volumes by Philip L. Phillips), Washington: Library of Congress, 1958.
LESTRINGANT, Frank, "Iles", in PELLETIER, Monique (ed.), Géographie du Monde au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance, Paris: Éditions du C.T.H.S., 1989, 165-168.
LISTER, Raymond, How to Identify Old Maps and Globes, London, 1965.
MARQUES, Alfredo Pinheiro , La Cartografia y la Construcción de la Imagen del Mundo por los Descubrimientos Portugueses y Españoles, Lisboa: Comissariado de Portugal para a Exposição Universal de Sevilha, 1988.
MARQUES, Alfredo Pinheiro, "Les Éclaireurs de L'Océan", Le Courrier de L'UNESCO. Cartes et Cartographes, Les Arpenteurs de la Terre, Paris: UNESCO, 1991, Juin, 28-30.
NORDENSKIOLD, Adolf E. (ed.), Periplus. An Essay on the Early History of Charts and Sailing-Directions, Stockholm, 1897.
NORDENSKIOLD, Adolf E., Facsimile Atlas to the Early History of Cartography with Reproduction of the Most Important Maps Printed in the XV and XVI Centuries, Stockholm, 1889.
PHILLIPS, Philip Lee, A List of Geographical Atlases in the Library of Congress, 4 vol., Washington: Library of Congress, 1909-1920 (2 ed., 2 vol. Amsterdam: T.O.T., 1971).
RAISZ, Erwin, General Cartography, New York-Toronto-London: McGraw-Hill, 1948 (trad. port. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Científica, 1969).
RANDLES, W.G.L., "From the Mediterranean Portulan Chart to the Marine World Chart of the Great Discoveries: the Crisis in Cartography in the Sixteenth Century", Imago Mundi, London, 1988, vol. 40, 115-118.
RANDLES, W.G.L., "De la Carte-Portulan Méditerranéenne à la Carte Marine du Monde des Grandes Découvertes: La Crise de la Cartographie au XVI Siècle", in PELLETIER, Monique (ed.), Géographie du Monde au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance, Paris: Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, 1989, 125-131.
RANDLES, W.G.L., "La Cartographie de l'Atlantique a la Veille du Voyage de Cristophe Colomb", Actas do II Colóquio Internacional de História da Madeira, Funchal: CNCDP, 1990, 925.
RANDLES, W.G.L., De la Terre Plate au Globe Terrestre. Une Mutacion Epistemologique Rapide (1480-1520), Paris: Armand Colin, 1980 (trad. it. Sansoni, 1986; trad. esp. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica; trad. port. Da Terra Plana ao Globo Terrestre, Lisboa, 1990).
REIS, A. Estácio dos, "List of Old Globes in Portugal", Der GlobusFreund, Wien, 1987, n. 35-37, 249-254.
RITCHIE, G.S., "Marine Atlases", RUC, Coimbra, 1979, vol. XXVII, 319-320 (reed. Coimbra: AECA , 1979, sep. CXXVIII).
RUGE, W., "Alteres Kartographisches Material in Deutschen Bibliotheken", Nachrichten von der Koniglichen Geselschaft der Wissenschaft zu Gottingen, Phil-Hist. Klasse, 1911, Heft 1, Berlin, 1911.
SANTARÉM, Visconde de, Essai sur l'Histoire de la Cosmographie et de la Cartographie Pendant le Moyen Age et sur les Progrés de la Géographie ..., 3 vol., Paris: Maulde et Renou, 1849-1852.
SANZ, Carlos, Mapas Antiguos del Mundo (Siglos XV-XVI) Reproducciones Reducidas, vol. I (Estudios), Madrid, 1961.
SHIRLEY, Rodney W., Printed Maps of the British Isles 1650-1750, London: BL / Map Collector Publications, 1988.
SHIRLEY, Rodney W., The Mapping of the World. Early Printed World Maps (1472-1700), London: Holland Press, 1984 (2 ed. rev., London: Holland Press, 1987).
SIDER, Sandra; ANDREASIN, Anita; CODING, Mitchell, Maps, Charts, Globes: Five Centuries of Exploration, New York: Hispanic Society of America, 1992.
SKELTON, R.A., Decorative Printed Maps of the 15th to 18th Centuries, London: Staples Press, 1952.
SKELTON, R.A., Explorers' Maps. Chapters in the Cartographic Record of Geographical Discovery, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958.
STEVENSON, E. L., Terrestrial and Celestial Globes, 2 vol., New Haven, 1921 (reed. 1971).
TAYLOR, Eva G.R., The Haven-Finding Art. A History of Navigation from Odysseus to Captain Cook, London: Hollis & Carter, 1956.
THROWER, N.J.W., Maps and Man, New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs, 1962.
THROWER, Norman J., "Une Nouvelle Écriture du Globe", Le Courrier de L'UNESCO. Cartes et Cartographes, Les Arpenteurs de la Terre, Paris: UNESCO, 1991, Juin, 31-34.
TOOLEY, R.V.; BRICKER, C; CRONE, G.R., Landmarks of Map-Making, Oxford: Phaidon, 1976 (1 ed., Bruxelles, 1968).
TOOLEY, R.V., Dictionary of Map-Makers, London, 1979.
TOOLEY, R.V., Maps and Maps-Makers, London, 1949.
WALLIS, Helen, "Cartografia: A Ciência dos Príncipes", in DOMINGUES, Francisco Contente; BARRETO, Luís Filipe (ed.), A Abertura do Mundo: Estudos de História dos Descobrimentos Europeus em Homenagem a Luís de Albuquerque, vol. I, Lisboa: Presença, 1986, 201-212.
WALLIS, Helen, "Material on Nautical Cartography in the British Library, 1550-1650", RUC, Coimbra: BGUC, 1985, vol. XXXII, 187-197 (reed. Lisboa: CEHCA, 1984, sep. 162).
WASHBURN, Wilcomb E., "As Ilhas Canárias e a Questão do Meridiano de Referência: A Busca do Rigor da Medição da Terra", in DOMINGUES, Francisco Contente; BARRETO, Luís Filipe (ed.), A Abertura do Mundo: Estudos de História dos Descobrimentos Europeus em Homenagem a Luís de Albuquerque, vol. I, Lisboa: Presença, 1986, 213-220.
WASHBURN, Wilcomb E., "The Form of Islands in Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Cartography", in PELLETIER, Monique (ed.), Géographie du Monde au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance, Paris: Éditions du C.T.H.S., 1989, 201-206.
WATERS, David W., "The Sea Chart and the Colonization of America", The American Neptune, Salem (Mass.), 1957, vol. 17, n. 1, Jan., 28-37.
WOODWARD , David (ed.), Art and Cartography. Six Historical Essays, Chicago-London: Chicago University Press, 1987.
WOODWARD, David (ed.), Five Centuries of Map-Printing, Chicago-London: Chicago University Press, 1975.

See also: