Astronomical and Nautical Instruments in the World

CLERC-RAMPAL, L'Evolution des Methodes et des Instruments de Navigation, Paris: Revue Maritime, 1921.
DESTOMBES, Marcel, "La Diffusion des Instruments Scientifiques du Haut Moyen Âge au XV Siècle", Unesco, Cahiers d'Histoire Mondiale, Paris: Unesco, 1966, vol. X, 31-51 (reed. in Selected Contributions to the History of Cartography and Scientific Instruments, Utrecht: HES, 1987).
DESTOMBES, Marcel, Selected Contributions to the History of Cartography and Scientific Instruments, Utrecht: HES, 1987.
KOEMAN, Cornelis, The Astrolabium Catholicum, Coimbra: AECA, 1980 (sep. CXXXIV).
MADDISON, Francis, "Medieval Scientific Instruments and the Development of Navigational Instruments in the XV th and XVI th Centuries", RUC, Coimbra, 1969, vol. XXIV (I Reunião de História da Náutica), 115-172 (reed. Coimbra: AECA, 1969, sep. XXX).
MICHEL, Henri, Les Instruments des Sciences, Rhode-St. Genèse: De Visscher, 1980.
STIMSON, Alan, The Mariners Astrolabe: a Survey of Known Surviving Astrolabes, Utrecht : HES, 1988.
TAYLOR, Eva G.R.; RICHEY, M.W., The Geometrical Seaman: A Book of Early Nautical Instruments, London: Hollis & Carter.
VERNET, J., "Una Antigua Cita de la Brújula ?", RUC, vol. XXVII, Coimbra, 1979 (reed. Coimbra: AECA , 1979 , sep. CXXII).
WATERS, David W., "Bittacles and Binnacles", MM, 1955, vol. 41, n. 3 Aug., 198-208.
WATERS, David W., "Three Navigational Instruments Excluding Astrolabes Recovered From the Wreck of the Dutch East Indiaman Batavia (1629)", in The Western Australian Museum 1964-65 Annual Report, Perth, 1965, 40-44.

See also: