Chinese Shipbuilding

NEEDHAM, Joseph, "The Chinese Contribution to Vessel Control", in , Actas do Congresso Internacional de História dos Descobrimentos, vol. II, Coimbra, 1961, 325-342.
WATERS, David W., "Chinese Junks: An Exception, the Tongkung", MM, 1940, vol. 26, n. 1 Jan., 79-95.
WATERS, David W., "Chinese Junks: the Antung Trader", MM, 1968, vol. 24, n. 1 Jan., 49-67.
WATERS, David W., "Chinese Junks: the Hangchow Bay Trader and Fisher", MM, 1974, vol. 33, n.1, Jan., 28-38.
WATERS, David W., "Chinese Junks: the Pechili Trader", MM, 1939, vol. 25, n. 1, Jan., 62-87.
WATERS, David W., "Chinese Junks: the Twaqo", MM, 1946, vol. 32, n. 1, Jan., 155-167.

See also: