Cartografia Portuguesa do Novo Mundo - América do Norte e Central

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GERNEZ, Desiré, "Les Cartes avec l'Echelle de Latitudes Auxiliaires pour la Region de Terre-Neuve", Communications de l'Academie de Marine de Belgique, 1952, n. 6, 94-96.
LAYNG, Theo E., "Charting the Course to Canada", in Actas do Congresso Internacional de História dos Descobrimentos, vol. II, Lisboa, 1961, 255-276.
SKELTON, R.A., "The Cartographic Record of the Discovery of North America: Some Problems and Paradoxes", in Actas do Congresso Internacional de História dos Descobrimentos, vol. II, Lisboa, 1961, 343-364.
TAYLOR, Eva G.R., "Hudson's Strait and the Oblique Meridien", Imago Mundi, 1970, vol. 3, 48-52.

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