Islamic Seafaring and Discoveries

BARRADAS, Lereno, O Sul de Moçambique no Roteiro de Sofala do Piloto Ahmad Ibn Madjid, Coimbra: AECA, 1967 (sep. XX).
BOULNOIS, Luce, La Route de la Soie, Paris: Arthaud, 1963.
FERRAND, Gabriel, Les Musulmans à Madagascar et aux Iles Comores, 3 vol., Paris: E. Leroux, 1891-1902.
HOURANI, Georg Fadl, Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times, New Jersey-Princeton , 1922.
MANTRAN, Robert, L'Expansion Musulmane (Siécles VII - XI ), Paris: PUF , 1969 (trad. port. A Expansão Muçulmana (Séc.VII - XI), São Paulo: Pioneira, 1977).
MANTRAN, Robert, "Le Monde Musulman du XIII à la Fin du XVI Siècle", in LÉON, Pierre (ed.), Histoire Économique et Sociale du Monde, vol. I (L'Ouverture du Monde, ed. BENASSAR, B.; CHAUNU, Pierre), Paris: Armand Colin, 1977, 145-173.
TIBBETS, G.R., Arab Navigation in the Indian Ocean Before the Coming of the Portuguese, London : Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1971.

See also: