India and the Indian Ocean before European Expansion

APPADORAI, A., Economic Conditions in Southern Indian, A.D. 1000-1500, 2 vol., Madras: University Historical Series, 1936.
BOUCHON, Geneviève, "Les Musulmans de Kerala à l'Époque de la Découverte Portugaise", Mare Luso-Indicum, Paris, 1973, vol. 2, 3-59.
RASHID, Abdur, "India and Pakistan in the Fourteenth Century as Described by Arab Travellers", in , Actas do Congresso Internacional de História dos Descobrimentos, vol. III, Lisboa, 1961, 479-498.
SOUZA, Teotonio R. de, Medieval Goa: A Socio-Economic History, New Delhi: Concept, 1979.

See also: