Asia / General Views


COEDES, G., "Les États Hindouniens d'Indochine et d'Indonésie", in CAVAIGNAC, E. (ed.), Histoire du Monde, Paris, 1948.
CRAWFORD, John, History of the Indian Archipelago, 3 vol., Edinburgh, 1849.
FERRAND, Gabriel, "Malaka, le Malayn et le Malayur", Journal Asiatique, Paris, 1918, 11 ser., vol. 11-12.
GODINHO, Vitorino Magalhães, "Sociedades e Civilizações da Ásia: Perspectivas do Caravaneiro e Perspectivas do Navegador", in Ensaios, Vol. I, Lisboa: Sá da Costa, 1967, 77-105.
GOUROU, Pierre, L'Asie, Paris: Hachette, 1953.
GRENARD, Fernand, Grandeur et Décadence de l'Asie, Paris: Armand Colin, 1939.
GRONEVELDT, W.P., Notes on the Malay Archipelago and Malaca Compiled from Chinese Sources, Batavia, 1877.
GROUSSET, René, Histoire de l'Extreme Orient, 2 vol., Paris: Geuthner, 1929.
HARRISON, Brian, South-East Asia: a Short History, London, 1954.
KEAY, John, "Asia", in KEAY, John (ed.), The Royal Geographical Society History of World Exploration, London: Hamlyn - RGS, 1991, 50-87.
KUNST, Jaap, New Light on the Early History of the Malay Archipelago, London, 1945.
LA BLACHE , Vidal de; GALLOIS, L. (ed.), Géographie Universelle, vol. VIII ( Asie Occidentale, ed. BLANCHARD, R.; Haute Asie ed. GRENARD, F. ) ; vol IX (L'Asie des Moussons, ed. SION, Jules), Paris, 1928 -1929.
MARSDEN, William, The History of Sumatra, London, 1783 (trad. franc. Histoire de Sumatra, Paris, 1788).
PANIKKAR, Kavalam Madhava, Asia and Western Dominance. A Survey of the Vasco da Gama Epoch of Asian History (1498-1945), London, 1953 (trad. franc. L'Asie et la Domination Occidentale, Paris, 1958).
PHILIPS, C.H. (ed.), Handbook of Oriental History, London : Royal Asiatic Society, 1951.
ROBEQUAIN, Charles, Le Monde Malais, Paris: Payot, 1946.
SIMKING, C.G.F., The Traditional Trade of Asia, London: Oxford University Press, 1968.

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