The following institutions and individuals have generously granted permission for copyrighted works from their collections to be reproduced in the Nautical Archaeology Digital Library.
The Cushing Memorial Library & Archives
The Cushing Memorial Library & Archives, the rare books, special collections, manuscripts and archival repository of Texas A&M University, is working in partnership with NADL to assemble a world-class collection of early books on shipbuilding and maritime history. Cushing is providing digitization assistance to make these priceless materials publicly available through the NADL Web-site.
Academia de Marinha, Portugal
The Portuguese Acadamia de Marinha has granted NADL permission to place the facsimile editions, transcriptions and translations into English of the following books.
- Oliveira, Fernando, O livro da fabrica das naos (c. 1580), Facsimile, transcription and translation into English, Lisboa: Academia de Marinha, 1991.
- Lavanha, João Baptista, Livro Primeiro de arquitectura naval, Facsimile, transcription and translation into English, Lisboa: Academia de Marinha, 1996.
- Fernandez, Manoel, Livro de traças de carpintaria, 1616, Facsimile, Lisboa: Academia de Marinha, 1989.
- Fernandez, Manoel, Livro de traças de carpintaria, transcription and translation into English, Lisboa: Academia de Marinha, 1995.
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
The Portuguese National Library has offered the facsimiles of the nautical manuscripts and granted NADL permission to place them on line.
- Livro náutico (Reservados 2257)
- Memorial das várias coisas importantes (Reservados 637)
- Advertências de navegantes, de Marcos Cerveira de Aguilar (Reservados 13.390)